First Post!

Welcome to my blog. I started it to begin sharing the knowledge I’ve gained through all of the projects I do. I’ve certainly benefited from the knowledge that others have shared, and perhaps I can help others in the same way.

I tend to have a lot of projects open at once, and I always have a lot of ideas in the queue. It will take a while to get everything up here.

I’m a software engineer, but not all of my projects are purely technical. There are so many places in life that you can apply a focused mindset, and I enjoy any project that adds something positive to my life or removes something undesirable.

Some of this information will be instructional, some may be entertaining, and some may not be of interest. I suppose that’s what the comments feature is for.

While not all projects are successful, I intend to share info on projects that:

  • Were successful
  • I abandoned
  • I didn’t succeed at
  • Are in progress
  • I want or intend to do

I’ll also work on some resources:

  • Tools
  • Links
  • Books
  • Gear I use
Posted in announcements permalink

About ProjectJourneyman

I am a software engineer that escaped the cubicle world at a large company to go solo with Android app development. My attention to detail and quality applies both to my apps and to my research on how to make money with Android. Now that I have the freedom to work on my own projects, I am documenting my efforts in the hopes that it will help other current or aspiring independent Android developers get the income they desire.

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